This is an example of a nominal area choropleth map. There is an apparent constant unit measuring areas and percentiles of condo owners that are African American.
This is a similarity matrix of congress and their voting. According to the data collected, this person concluded that republicans are more likely to vote alike and are more consistent on similar issues.
Star plots contain a lot of information in that each star plot represents a single observation with a number of different variables per that observation. I have given an image of a star plot of an analysis of automobiles from the year 1979. As mentioned on the website, they can be looked at individually or as clusters.
This isopleth map shows the amount of acid rain in a given area.The Department of Environmental Protection of Pennsylvania made this map to show how the Clean Air Act affected the acid rainfall.
In this isopach map, the amount of ash that has fallen to the ground measured. This map shows the ashfall deposit from 1992 as a result of the volcanic eruption of Cerro Negro.
Isobar Maps show wind pressure, direction and speed. This is an example of an map and of the cold and warm fronts that are moving toward Europe on September 25, 2008.
This is an example of a propaganda map. The sizes of certain things are misconstrued to show power or make a point. Often these are used in times of war.
This is an example of a standardized choropleth map. The different colors in the map are categorized by severity, and is therefore ranked and not random.
This is an example of an unstandardized chloropleth map. As you can see, there is no specific ranking or ordering in the separations of minorities/race. It just simply shows the different types in different regions.
A bilateral graph shows two related variables and the points at which they overlap. In this case, The United States Treasury Department looked at jobs versus unemployment rates over the time-span of January 2003 to November 2005.
This is an image of a scatter plot used by the United States Army. It plots the numbers of SATs versus the Beta test. Scatter plots are similar to line graphs, but can show up to four dimensions rather than just one.
Population profiles/pyramids show trends in statistical information regarding population over a number of years. This population profile shows the number of people that have AIDS according to gender and age.
Climographs are used to show two different variables. It consists of a bar graph representing the amount of precipitation and a line graph for the temperature. In this particular graph, we are looking at the temperature and precipitation of Beunos Aires, Argentina over a year.
This is an image of a parallel coordinate graph. They are used to plot large amounts of data. In this one, each variable corresponds with an axis and different colors are used to emphasize the information.
This is an example of a mental map. Mental maps can be anything from sophisticated and detailed, to just a little swirl on a page. This person chose to portray a map to get to school. As you can see there are sidewalks, houses, names of a few streets, and the location of the school.
Flow maps are used to show movement of an object, person, or idea from one place to another. It is an algorithym or process used in designing or portraying information. Although somewhat silly, I added this flow chart of the Hokey Pokey. I thought it was funny to see among serious flow charts! However, it does show the process of movement.
Digital line graphs (DLG) are digital vector data representing cartographic information. They provide a wide variety of information and geographic features. This can include political or administrative boundaries, vegetation, transportation data, land survey systems, hudrography, etc.
A digital raster graphic map (DRG) is a type of topographical USGS (United States geographical survey). This DRG map is from the Texas Comission of Environmental Quality.
A digitial elevation model (DEM) is used to show terrain and elevations among at certain ground positions and regularly spaced intervals. They are digital cartographic data in raster form. This image is of Crater Lake National Forest.
Doppler Radar is satellite imaging used in weather forecasts. It shows precipitation type and rainfall intensities. This is a doppler radar image of Hurricane Andrew August 24, 1992.
Triangular plots are often used by scientists and engineers, but anyone can use them to show usually three variables (but can be more variables) of data graphically. This triangular plot is an analysis of votes in the UK. The different variables in this case, are the different parties in the upcoming election.
A windrose is a graph to show wind speed and direction and is typically circluar. I provided two different types of windroses to show how different they can look.
A histogram is a statistical graph or map portrayed graphically with bars that can be shown horizontally or vertically. This particular graph is of the number of smokers female and male in 1992.
An isohyet is a type of contour or topographical map showing the amount of rainfall, usually by inches. This map was taken from the University of Texas and shows the amount of rainfall in a given amount of time.
A proportional circle map is a point pattern map with circles rather than dots. The size of the circle relates to the measured variable. This proportional circle map shows the number of people in Europe that used the internet in the year 2004.
A correlation matrix is a rectangular array of numbers that gives the correlations between all data sets. In this correlation matrix, the information shown is a heat map of tissues to tissue cancerous cells. The lines separate cancerous tissues, and the color spectrum goes from blue to white to red.